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Tuhis Beauty

Why Garnier Natural Brown Failed to Turn Hair from Black to Brown

Have you ever used a hair color kit and had an unwanted result? If you’ve tried to dye your black hair brown using Garnier Natural Brown and it didn’t work, then you’re not alone.

Many people have experienced the same problem. But why did it happen? Let’s find out.

Hair coloring is one of the easiest ways to switch up your look and feel confident. It’s a convenient way to express yourself and make a statement without changing much else.

However, the outcome of the coloring process is only sometimes guaranteed. Many people opt for at-home hair color kits to save money and time. However, sometimes the results may be different from what you expected.

If you’ve tried to dye your black hair brown using Garnier Natural Brown hair color kit, and it didn’t work as you thought it would, then this article is for you.

Actionable Tips:

  1. Please read the instructions carefully: Before applying hair color, it’s essential to read the instructions carefully. Ensure you have all the necessary tools, and follow the instructions step-by-step. Not following the instructions precisely can result in uneven or unwanted hair color.
  2. Choose the right color: Choosing the right color for your hair is essential. If you have black hair and want to go brown, you may need to use a bleach or lightening agent first. Using Garnier Natural Brown on black hair without lightening agents may not produce the desired color.
  3. Consider your hair type: The type and condition of your hair can also affect the outcome of your hair color. If your hair has been damaged, porous, or chemically treated, it may not absorb the same color as healthy hair. In such cases, consulting a professional before coloring your hair is recommended.
  4. Please test a small strand: Before applying hair color all over your hair, it’s always recommended to do a patch test on a small strand of hair. This will give you an idea of how the color will look on your hair and whether it will suit your skin tone.

This article will help you understand why Garnier Natural Brown may not have worked on your black hair. It’s not intended to discourage you from using the product but to help you achieve the desired result by providing actionable tips.


  • If you have black hair, you may need to use a bleach or lightning agent before applying Garnier Natural Brown to achieve the desired result.
  • It’s important to read and follow the instructions precisely to avoid an uneven or unwanted hair color.
  • Garnier Natural Brown is an affordable and convenient way to color your hair at home.
  • The product is easy to use and comes with clear instructions.
  • It contains natural ingredients such as olive oil and avocado, which can nourish and protect your hair.
  • The product may not work as expected on black hair without using a bleach or lightening agent first.
  • The outcome of the hair color may vary depending on the type and condition of your hair.

In conclusion, hair coloring can be a fun and exciting way to switch up your look, but it’s important to understand why certain products may not work on your hair.

Garnier Natural Brown may not have worked on your black hair because of the lack of lightening agents, incorrect application, or the type and condition of your hair. However, with the actionable tips in this article, you can achieve the desired result with Garnier Natural Brown or any other hair color product.

Always read the instructions carefully, choose the right color, consider your hair type, and test a small strand of hair before applying the color all over your hair. With these tips, you can achieve the perfect hair color that suits your style and personality.

Tuhis Beauty