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Tuhis Beauty
Hair Care

Which Wella toner bright yellow bleached hair?

Which Wella toner bright yellow bleached hair?

Are you tired of having bright yellow bleached hair that makes you self-conscious? Do you want to achieve the perfect hair color that complements your skin tone? If you answered yes, try Wella ...

How can I fix yellow roots from Wella toner?

How can I fix yellow roots from Wella toner?

As a beautician, one of the clients' most common concerns regarding hair color is how to fix yellow roots. Many experiences this issue after using Wella toner, which can be frustrating and ...

Why does Wella T18 Toner turn my hair gray?

Why does Wella T18 Toner turn my hair gray?

As a beautician, I often hear people asking why their hair turns gray after using the Wella T18 toner. Well, the answer lies in the chemistry of hair and toner. First, let's understand what a ...

Can I use the same shade of Wella toner twice?

Can I use the same shade of Wella toner twice?

As a beautician, one of the most common questions that I get asked is whether it's okay to use the same shade of Wella toner twice. While it may seem simple, the answer is more complicated than a ...

Can I Put Green Hair Dye Over Orange?

Can I Put Green Hair Dye Over Orange?

Have you recently dyed your hair orange, and now you're wondering if you can apply green hair dye over it? This is a common question that many people ask, and the answer is more complex than a yes ...

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Tuhis Beauty