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Tuhis Beauty

Can I Put Pink Hair Dye Over Orange? The Ultimate Guide

If you have ever dyed your hair, you know that sometimes things don’t go as planned. Maybe you wanted to go blonde but instead ended up with orange hair.

Or you’ve already had pink hair and want to change the shade. Whatever the reason, you might wonder if you can put pink hair dye over orange. The short answer is yes, you can. But remember a few things before grabbing that pink dye bottle.

Here is everything you need to know before putting pink hair dye over orange:

1. Preparation is key.

Before you begin dyeing your hair, it’s essential to prepare it properly. That means washing it with a clarifying shampoo to remove any product buildup or residue that may prevent the dye from penetrating the hair shaft.

It’s also essential to condition your hair to ensure it’s hydrated and healthy before applying any dye.

2. Pick the right shade of pink.

You must choose the right shade if you want to put pink hair dye over orange. If you pick a pastel shade, it may appear poorly on orange hair. Instead, opt for a darker, more vibrant shade of pink.

The darker the pink, the more it will appear on your orange hair.

3. Bleaching is an option.

Consider bleaching it before applying the pink hair dye if you have dark orange hair. Bleaching will lift the color out of your hair, making it lighter and more accessible for the pink dye to show up.

However, bleaching can damage your hair, so it’s essential to take proper precautions and follow the instructions carefully.

4. Please test it out.

Before you dye your entire head of hair, it’s a good idea to do a strand test. This involves applying the dye to a small section of hair and seeing how it turns out. If you’re happy with the results, you can move on to dyeing your entire head of hair.

If you don’t like the color, you can make adjustments before committing to the whole thing.

5. Take care of your hair.

Dyeing your hair can be damaging, especially if you’re using bleach. Taking care of your hair before and after the dyeing process is important.

This means using a good conditioner, avoiding heat styling tools, and using hair masks to keep your hair hydrated and healthy.

  • Combining pink and orange tones can achieve a unique and trendy look.
  • The pink dye will neutralize the orange tone, creating a more balanced color.
  • You don’t need to remove the orange tone before applying the pink dye
  • The pink dye may not show up very well if you have very dark orange hair.
  • You may need to bleach your hair before applying the pink dye, which can be damaging.
  • If you don’t like the color, it can be difficult to remove pink dye from your hair.

In summary, you can put pink hair dye over orange, but it’s essential to prepare your hair properly, choose the right shade, and care for it before and after the dyeing process.

You may need to bleach it before applying the pink dye if you have dark orange hair. And remember, it’s always a good idea to do a strand test before dyeing your entire head of hair.

With these tips, you can achieve a unique, trendy look that will turn heads.

Tuhis Beauty