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Can I Put Purple Hair Dye Over Brown Hair?

When it comes to hair coloring, one of the most popular and fun options is to add a vibrant pop of color to your locks. However, if you have naturally brown hair, you may be wondering if it’s possible to achieve a stunning purple shade without first lightening your hair.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the answer to the question, “Can I put purple hair dye over brown hair?” and provide actionable tips for achieving the perfect look.

Understanding Hair Color

Before we dive into the specifics of coloring your hair, we must understand a bit about hair color. Hair gets its natural color from a pigment called melanin.

Melanin comes in two forms: eumelanin, which produces brown or black hair, and pheomelanin, which produces red or blonde hair. When we color our hair, we add artificial pigments to our strands.

Can You Put Purple Hair Dye Over Brown Hair?

The short answer is yes; you can put purple hair dye over brown hair. However, the results you achieve will depend on a few factors.

First and foremost, the shade of brown you’re starting with will impact the outcome. If you have light brown or dirty blonde hair, you may achieve a more vibrant purple shade than dark brown hair.

Additionally, the type of hair dye you use will impact the final color. If you use a semi-permanent or temporary purple hair dye, the results will likely be less vibrant and long-lasting than if you use a permanent hair dye.

However, semi-permanent and temporary dyes can be a great option to try out a new color without committing long-term.

Tips for Achieving the Perfect Purple Shade

Now that we’ve established that you can put purple hair dye over brown hair, let’s explore some tips for achieving the perfect shade.

  1. Start with clean, dry hair: When coloring your locks, start with clean, dry hair. This will ensure that the dye adheres evenly to your strands.
  2. Use a color-safe shampoo: After coloring your hair, it’s crucial to use a color-safe shampoo to help preserve the vibrancy of your new shade.
  3. Follow the instructions carefully: Be sure to follow the instructions with your hair dye carefully. This will ensure that you achieve the desired results and avoid any mishaps.
  4. Consider lightening your hair: If you have dark brown hair and want a more vibrant purple shade, you may want to consider lightening your hair first. This will help the purple dye adhere better and produce a deeper hue.

Pros and Cons of Coloring Your Hair

Like any beauty treatment, coloring your hair has pros and cons. Let’s explore a few.

  • A pop of color can add a fun and playful element to your look.
  • Hair coloring can boost your confidence and make you feel more vibrant and youthful.
  • It’s an easy way to switch up your look without drastic changes.
  • Hair dye can damage your locks, especially if you don’t properly care for your hair before and after coloring.
  • Depending on the type of dye you use, the color may fade quickly, requiring frequent touch-ups.
  • If you’re unhappy with the outcome, fixing it without further damaging your hair can be challenging.


In conclusion, the answer is yes if you’re wondering if you can put purple hair dye over brown hair. However, the results will depend on a few factors, including the shade of brown you’re starting with and the type of dye you use.

You can achieve the perfect purple shade to enhance your natural beauty with care and attention. Follow the instructions carefully and consider lightening your hair if necessary.

Ultimately, the decision to color your hair is a personal one that should be made with care. It’s essential to weigh the pros and cons and consider your hair’s health before diving into any beauty treatment.

You can achieve a stunning purple shade with heads turning by properly caring for your hair before and after coloring and following the tips outlined in this blog post.

Tuhis Beauty