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How long do I wait to bleach my hair after using L’oreal Feria blue black?

If you’ve recently used L’Oreal Feria blue black hair dye and are now considering bleaching your hair, you may wonder how long you should wait. Bleaching your hair after using a dark hair dye can be a tricky process, and it’s important to take the necessary precautions to avoid damaging your hair.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the factors to consider and the steps to take before bleaching your hair after using L’Oreal Feria blue-black.

Understanding the Effects of Hair Dye

Before diving into the specifics of bleaching your hair after using L’Oreal Feria blue-black, it’s important to understand how hair dye works. Hair dye penetrates the hair shaft and changes the color of the hair from the inside out.

The longer you leave the dye in your hair, the deeper the color will be.

Darker hair colors, like blue-black, require more time to penetrate the hair shaft and are, therefore, more difficult to remove.

Factors to Consider Before Bleaching Your Hair

  1. The Condition of Your Hair:  Before you even consider bleaching your hair, you need to assess the condition of your hair. If your hair is already damaged or fragile, bleaching it could cause even more damage. If your hair is in good condition, however, you may be able to bleach it without causing too much damage. To assess the condition of your hair, look for signs of damage, such as split ends or breakage.
  2. The Type of Bleach You’ll Use: Different types of hair bleach are available, each with its instructions and precautions. Some types of bleach are gentler than others, and some require a longer processing time. Choosing a bleach that is appropriate for your hair type and that you feel comfortable using is important.
  3. Your Hair’s Porosity: Porosity refers to how easily your hair absorbs and retains moisture. Highly porous hair will absorb bleach more easily than less porous hair. If your hair is highly porous, you may need to use a lower volume of bleach or a shorter processing time to avoid damaging your hair.
  4. The Color of Your Hair: The color of your hair will also affect how easily someone can bleach it. Darker hair colors, like blue and black, require more time and effort to remove than lighter hair colors. If you have blue-black hair, you may need to use a stronger bleach or leave the bleach on for a longer period to achieve the desired results.
  5. Your Desired Results: Finally, you need to consider what you want your hair to look like after you bleach it. If you only want to lighten your hair a few shades, you can achieve your desired results without using strong bleach. If you want to completely remove the blue-black dye and return to your natural hair color, however, you may need to use a stronger bleach and be prepared for multiple bleaching sessions.

How Long to Wait Before Bleaching Your Hair

Now that you’ve considered the above factors, you’re probably wondering how long you should wait before bleaching your hair after using L’Oreal Feria blue-black. The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the condition of your hair, the type of bleach you’ll use, and your desired results.

Generally, you should wait at least two weeks after using L’Oreal Feria blue-black before attempting to bleach your hair. This will give your hair time to recover from the dyeing process and allow your hair cuticles to close, reducing the risk of damage during the bleaching process. If your hair is particularly damaged or fragile, you may need to wait even longer before bleaching it.

Tips for Bleaching Your Hair Safely

Once you’ve waited the appropriate amount of time, there are several steps you should take to ensure that your hair is protected during the bleaching process.

  • Do a Strand Test: Before applying bleach to your entire head, do a strand test to see how your hair will react. Take a small section of hair from the back of your head and apply bleach to it according to the instructions. Check the strand every 5-10 minutes to see how quickly the color is lifting and whether your hair is becoming damaged.
  • Use a Lower Volume Developer:  If you’re only lightening your hair a few shades, you can use a lower-volume developer, which will be less damaging to your hair. A 20-volume developer is usually sufficient for most hair types, while what should only use a 30-volume or 40-volume developer on hair that is in good condition and has not been previously damaged?
  • Protect Your Hairline and Scalp:  Bleach can be very harsh on your scalp and hairline, so protecting these areas during bleaching is important. Apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly or a similar product around your hairline and scalp to create a barrier between your skin and the bleach.
  • Rinse Thoroughly: After you’ve bleached your hair, it’s important to rinse it thoroughly to remove any traces of bleach. If bleach is left on your hair, it can continue to damage it even after the processing time is complete. Rinse your hair with cool water until the water runs clear, and then shampoo and condition your hair as usual.
  • Deep Condition: Bleaching can leave your hair feeling dry and damaged, so it’s important to deep condition your hair after the bleaching process. Use a deep conditioning treatment specifically designed for color-treated hair, and leave it on your hair for the recommended time. This will help to restore moisture to your hair and reduce the risk of breakage and damage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Can I bleach my hair immediately after using L’Oreal Feria blue black?

A. No, it is recommended that you wait at least two weeks before attempting to bleach your hair.

Q. Will waiting longer than two weeks before bleaching my hair cause any issues?

A. No, waiting longer than two weeks should not cause any issues. It may be beneficial to wait longer to give your hair more time to recover from the previous dye job.

Q. Can I use any bleach to lighten my hair after using L’Oreal Feria blue-black?

A.  Using a lower-volume developer, such as a 20-volume developer, is recommended to minimize damage to your hair. Additionally, doing a strand test and following the instructions is important.

Q. How can I protect my hair from damage during the bleaching process?

A. To protect your hair, use a lower-volume developer, apply a barrier to your scalp and hairline, rinse thoroughly after bleaching, and use a deep conditioning treatment afterward.

Q. Is it necessary to use a deep conditioning treatment after bleaching my hair?

A. Yes, it is important to use a deep conditioning treatment after bleaching your hair to restore moisture and prevent breakage and damage. Choose a product specifically designed for color-treated hair and follow the recommended instructions.


In conclusion, if you’re considering bleaching your hair after using L’Oreal Feria blue-black, taking the necessary precautions to protect your hair from damage is important. Wait at least two weeks before attempting to bleach your hair, and consider the condition of your hair, the type of bleach you’ll use, and your desired results before starting the process.

Follow these tips for bleaching your hair safely, and enjoy your new, lighter locks!

Tuhis Beauty